What’s Your Favorite Cup o’ Joe?
{ By Miranda Martin } We celebrated National Coffee Day this month, and we at THIS IS IT NETWORKTM run on coffee (and lots of girl power), of course! So, this month we asked members of our SCREAM YOUR DREAM
What’s the Best Halloween Costume You Ever Wore?
{ By Miranda Martin } Happy Halloween! At THIS IS IT NETWORKTM we’re celebrating Spooky Season all month long, and we started by asking our SCREAM YOUR DREAM COMMUNITYTM members-- “what’s your favorite costume you’ve ever worn?” There are answers
{ By Lauren Trunfio } Live music, drinks, and food, oh my! Fall is all about joy and spending time with loved ones, and on Saturday from 12 pm - 4 pm, THIS IS IT NETWORK™ will be hosting an
The Age-Old Autumn Debate is Back: Chai, or Pumpkin Spice?
{ By Miranda Martin } Crisp mornings, falling leaves, and the age-old debate of “Chai vs. Pumpkin Spice”-- autumn is just around the corner. Speaking of the age-old beverage debate, we asked members of our SCREAMER Community to weigh in
Do you LOVE ice cream? We do.
{ By Miranda Martin } Here are Our SCREAMERS’ favorite ice cream flavors! It’s sweet summertime, so we had to ask our SCREAMERS one pressing question: “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” Unsurprisingly, the results were varied-- but one flavor, in
Summer Grilling Basics
{ By Jessica Gershwin } I love the call of spring and summertime grilling. The ease of getting outside the convection heat gives such great flavor and texture to meats and vegetables. Plus, most of the fat drips away from the
Summertime Sangria
{ By Jessica Gershman } As the weather is warming up, we are thinking about pool parties and cookouts. I love hosting summer events at my house and with so many things going on, I love to prepare as much as
Statements by Li Earrings: Small Business Spotlight
{By Miranda Martin } I often reflect on how my high school classmates have been breaking the mold, blowing the roof off the fashion and tech industries, and generally succeeding so well in recent years (let’s go, WWHS class of
Remedy Organics Products Review
{ By Miranda Martin } Lately, everyone has been on the cacao craze. From Kourtney Kardashian’s Poosh cacao recipes to organic grocers selling cacao-infused treats galore, everyone wants a taste of this cocoa alternative. That being the case, you can
The Best Resolutions for Moms for The New Year and Beyond
{ By Bethany Braun-Silva } Welcome to 2022, and if you're slowly creeping into the new year like I am, making a resolution to last the next 12 months can be pretty daunting. Between surviving the junior year of the pandemic