We always look for quality content contributors here at THIS IS IT NETWORK™. Our SCREAMER ambassador program recruits industry leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs willing to share their expertise and knowledge with our audience of remarkable women.
- Art + Entertainment
- Business + Tech
- Fashion + Beauty
- Food + Drink
- Home + Family
- Mindset + Empowerment
- Travel + Experiences
- Health + Sports
- Posts should be no longer than 2 to 3 paragraphs and include 2 to 3 hyperlinks.
- Posts copy should be delivered in the body of an email
- Posts should all include a short title
- The subject line of the email should include your category, name, and date
- Hyperlinks should link to your platforms or credible sources.
- NO IMAGES are needed. We will assign a royalty-free image to your post.
- You will be noted as the post’s author at the top of the page w/ a hyperlink.
- Your contact information will be found at the end of the blog w/ hyperlinks.
- Content is posted on a rolling basis within five business days of submission.
- Content must be approved by THIS IS IT NETWORK™
- Videos should be shared as attachments or via Google Drive
- The subject line of the email should include your category, name, and date
- Video posts should all include a short title
- All videos must be submitted fully edited with suggested captions
- Videos can be no longer than 60 seconds
- Please include any required tags/handle mentions
- Please share suggested hashtags (no more than 6)
- Please attach your preferred profile or featured image