Cheldin’s IT Picks: October Edition
Cheldin dishes about everything she is loving for October! Check out her IT picks below.
This month I can’t stop bingeing Grace & Frankie. EVERYONE needs this show in their life. It’s become my go-to when I need a laugh. If you haven’t watched it yet you MUST. I recently caught up while getting some work done from the couch – it has become a ritual for sure.

Ever since the MTV Video Music Awards I have been obsessed with Lizzo. I love her confidence and how she is using her voice in the body positivity movement. Her voice is killer – definitely go listen to her album Cuz I Love You.

I am 100% a Maxxinista. I shop TJ Maxx for everythingggg. I am constantly looking for new & affordable outfits to wear on the show as well as new clothes for the kids. Their deals are insane and I know I can always count on finding some great pieces for me and the family.

I got to check out the new Fashion District Philadelphia over Philly Fashion Week and it is so cool! Philly really needed a mall that is a one-stop destination for everything. I think it’s a really cool space and definitely worth checking out. I’m excited to see what other stores will be opening up soon.

My favorite lunch spot is currently The Real Food Eatery. They have so many healthy (and yummy) options. It’s close to our studio and is a great place to pause amidst a busy workday and have an actually nutritious meal. My favorite is the Spicy Chicken Bowl – YUM!

My business recently launched the “SCREAM IT” Marketing Membership, a Facebook group dedicated to marketing education. As a teacher of personal branding, it has been so fun to share my marketing knowledge with a community of other business owners. It’s great to connect with other entrepreneurs and learn from them as well! If you are interested in joining visit https://thisisittv.com/screamyourdream/ to learn more!