Ramona Cedeno Bio
{By: Ramona Cedeno} Growing up as the eldest of four sisters in the countryside of the Dominican Republic, I had a wonderful childhood. But I always dreamt of more. I wanted the freedom to come and go as I pleased
Revamp Your Kitchen For A Healthy Well-Being
By: Nadia Murdock You can’t expect to see results in your wellness journey if your kitchen is not where it needs to be. The saying 80% diet 20% exercise is a great formula to abide by. There are several things to
The Top Dog Films at Sundance
{By: Lauren Trunfio} Our “Top Dog” Films at Sundance are brought to you by Top Dog Cocktails. The Sundance Film Festival is finally here, and we cannot wait to share with you some of the films that we are most excited about seeing on
How to make living with ADHD easier
{By: Lauren Trunfio} Think about your average day for a minute: Do you ever find it hard to stay organized, no matter how hard you try to get your life together? Is it easy for you to forget small details?
Quick Fixes
{Michelle Valiukenas} Drink this and lose weight without changing anything else. Take this pill and feel so much better, no extra work needed. I’m sure we’ve all heard some version of these kinds of claims. We live in a culture
New Month, New Me
{By: Lindsey Hancock} A new month brings fresh opportunities to set goals and intentions, while new emotions surface. I’ve noticed the more I grow and submerge myself into this healing journey, the more these things develop. My focus becomes clearer
Family Winery Highlight- 4JG’s Winery
{By: Lauren Trunfio} The Giunco family has exceptional standards when it comes to producing wine. Named after the four owners, John and Janet Giunco and their two children John and Jill, 4JG’s Orchards & Vineyards has been a staple winery
Bansky Teaches Us To Lead with Love
{By: Lauren Trunfio} Flowers and art go hand-in-hand. If you’ve ever visited an art gallery before, chances are you’ve seen an abundance of florals incorporated in famous works of art, either as the focal point of the piece, or as
Self Reflection on Anxiety
{By: Michelle Valiukenas} Anxiety. It’s a term we all know and for me, a lifelong struggle. Over a decade ago, after a lifetime of not totally understanding why I felt this way or that way, I had a diagnosis and
What NOT to do When Starting a New Business
by Angel Padulo, Co-Founder investHER Academy So you want to start a business or have an innovative idea. The first and most important word of advice: do your RESEARCH. As an entrepreneur and business owner I know how exhilarating it can