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The Power of Speaking to Elevate Your Brand

{By: Mallika Malhotra} You know that having a strong online presence with a killer social media strategy, engaging content, and on-brand visuals are crucial to building a well-known, powerhouse brand. 

But there is another very different way to boost your brand’s visibility that happens away from the keyboard — speaking engagements. You may not have considered speaking as an option to grow your business before, but you should!

Speaking is a powerful strategy to scale and leverage your brand. When you speak to a crowd, instead of sharing your expertise on a 1:1 level, you move to a 1:many model. This allows for more impact and more influence while saving you precious time.

Delivering your signature talk will position you as a leader and expert in your space. It will boost your visibility, strengthen your credibility, and attract more clients. When you empower others and ease their pain points with your words, your audience will trust you. When they trust you, they naturally become more motivated to buy, share and even refer you to others.

Your Signature Talk

First things first, what is a signature talk? 
A signature talk is a key business presentation — a talk that demonstrates your core brand message, brand expertise, brand mission, point of view, or story. 

Your signature talk shows off what you want to be known for and highlights your knowledge, your confidence and your passion. It is an on-brand presentation that you can use over and over again in different settings. This is NOT a speech or sales pitch. It’s a gateway to converting clients to your products and services. It’s important to be intentional and strategic when selecting your topic.

How do I select a topic for my signature talk? 

This is the hardest part of the signature talk process, sometimes even harder than delivering the speech. You want to choose an idea based on your expertise and your client’s needs. 

Think about what you are a specialist in and what topics people are already asking for your advice on over and over again. Think about what you need to teach your prospects to get them to become better clients for you. Think about what problems the client needs to solve to get results. Think about what’s not being talked about in the marketplace that your audience needs to hear.

Here are a few more questions to ask yourself to get even more clarity on the best signature topic idea:

1 – What are you known for? Choose an idea based on your expertise and your experience — this is how you can reveal yourself as the authority in your space. What topics are within your zone of genius? What do you have mastery in? 

An example topic could be “3 Insider Secrets to Flawless Corporate Style”

2- What are you clients dying to know more about? Choose a topic based on your ideal client’s challenge, pain or desire. Ask yourself what ONE problem you could help solve for them. Think about your branded solution/formula/methodology and how it helps your clients. What knowledge do you have that can transform your client’s life or business?

An example may be : “Kick Emotional Eating to the Curb and Live a Happier, Healthier Life”

3 – Where are there gaps in your industry? Choose a topic that no one else in your space is talking about. This is a great opportunity to create a sub-niche and gather an audience with no competition. What is no one else talking about in your industry that can fill a real need?

An example topic could include: “Spiritual Finance, a mindful approach to wealth”

4 – What steps do you take your clients through to move them to success? Choose a signature talk idea based on your framework or methodology. How do you move your clients from problem to solution, and how can you turn that idea into a signature talk?

An example : “Next Level You, 6 Ps to Powerful Personal Branding”

5 – Are you a product-based business?  Even product-based entrepreneurs can have a signature talk! Think about what concepts, abstract ideas or even higher-level thinking can be applied to your products. What topics would benefit the people who purchase your products? Some ideas for product-based businesses include: 

If you’re selling perfume, “The Power of Scent and Women’s Confidence”

If you’re selling jewelry, “Self Expression and Style”

If you’re selling cupcakes, “How to Live a Sweet Life of Positivity”

Need more topic ideas and inspiration?

Still struggling to find your big idea, here are some resources to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. Check out Amazon book titles, podcast episodes, blog titles, magazine covers, Eventbrite titles and topics. 
  2. Look at your testimonials to discover areas you excel in. 
  3. Explore Pinterest, Instagram, Linkedin for ideas, client insights and customer language.

Once you have created your signature talk, begin to look for opportunities to share your expertise. Yes, at first you may be terrified, but I promise, the more you present, the easier it gets. Start by reaching out to your contacts to see if they know of opportunities to speak. Search on social media, in Facebook groups, or even join your local chamber of commerce to get connected to speaking opportunities.
With a signature talk in your back pocket, you’re well on your way to strengthening your brand through new avenues of influence! Speaking will open up exciting opportunities, introduce your brand to new audiences, and fast track your business growth. If you need more help, learn more about opportunities to work on your brand at www.mallikamalhotra.co.