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The BEST Pesto Recipe

{By: Jessica Gershman} Got Basil, I love a easy weeknight pesto, plus the addition of added veggies your kids will never know!

Time: 10 minutes

Makes approximately 1 cup

I love these addition of spinach to this pesto recipe as it is both cost efficient (saving a little on that pricy basil) as well as an addition of iron and vitamin C 


1 1/2 cups fresh basil (digestion, anti-inflammatory)

1 cup spinach ( Vitamins A,C,K Magnesium and Iron)

¼ toasted pine nuts or walnuts (Rich in antioxidants and good plant source of omega 3s)

2 whole garlic cloves (still in skin)

¼ nutritional yeast like Noochy Licious (complete protein, contains all 9 essential amino acids)

½ cup good quality olive oil

½  Tbs salt and fresh pepper to taste


Toast nuts and whole garlic cloves (this is my secret to lessen the pungency of the garlic).  Add nuts, peeled garlic cloves, basil, spinach and nutritional yeast to a food processor until minced, with the food processor still running slowly drizzle olive oil until the mixture is smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. 

Serve with pasta or roasted veggies