Self-Care Is Your Path to Creating $100K
{By Sarai Peotdi}
You want to create a 6-figure business. To increase sales, streamline your processes so you can make more money in less time. But what does self-care have to do with making $100K?
Listen, I get it. We’re all busier than ever. As women in business we know our most valuable assets are time, energy, and health. And we’re becoming increasingly more aware of how when one aspect of our life is out of whack, it affects the rest. This article is going to help you shift your mindset around what self-care truly is, why it’s a crucial part of making money and how you can start incorporating more into your life.
Self-care is directly correlated to the relationship you have with yourself. And how you treat yourself is the template for all other relationships. It determines 1) how others will treat you because it shows them what you need in a relationship and 2) it sets the stage for what you will expect to receive from others. not just personally but also in business and career.
Self-care has a reputation as being optional, a luxury, reserved for when there’s time or when your to-do list is completed (which is NEVER). It’s viewed as something you DO: getting pampered, exercising, attending a girl’s night, even learning a language. It’s heavily focused on something to do with your physical body to make you feel good.
While there’s no right or wrong way to “self-care”, I’d like to offer some perspective shifts to help open you up to receiving more love and support in this area of your life.
True self-care is something that helps you connect with your Self, the inner you, to deepen your relationship with who you are and your trust with your inner knowing. It’s about getting slow and still – allowing yourself to BE, to EMBODY the pure essence of your Spirit without expectations or judgements. Learning what it feels like to be in your body as YOU, figuring out what belongs to you and what doesn’t. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you carry around other people’s thoughts, emotions, and energy, so when you focus on YOU, how you feel in your body when you’re just being still, it helps you hit that energetic reset button. Practicing self-care also helps you discern what you need, don’t need, and what you DESIRE and CHOOSE to have in your life and carry with you.
When it comes to engaging in self-care, often women struggle with finding time and prioritizing themselves. Time is an issue in our society because we are action-driven, constantly focused on the hustle and go go go. We never feel like we have enough time and like we can always be doing more. This creates a lack of time in our lives, which ironically makes us take on even more things to try and do. We feel pressured to do more in order to prove our worth. But your worth is innate. It’s been with you since birth. And it’s always at 100%. It can’t be proven with action or “doing enough”. It just simply IS. But the way to know that for sure is to spend time with yourself. And don’t let your brain justify self-care by saying “if you give to yourself you’ll be a better caregiver” or because you “work hard”. How about you deserve self-care FOR BEING ALIVE. For being a valuable human who is worthy of divine riches simply for walking around on this Earth. Having THAT relationship with yourself is your self-care.
If you feel selfish when it comes to engaging in self-care you’re not alone; we’re conditioned to believe that. But the definition of selfish means you lack consideration for others. TAKE NOTE: Giving yourself time and attention doesn’t mean others will “go without”. This is a scarcity mindset and energy, under the assumption that there isn’t “enough to go around”. This is also the opposite of abundance energy. If you KNEW your time and money would double if you engaged in self-care, would you give to yourself then? I’m sure we’d all say yes. So what’s really happening is that you’re saying you’re not as valuable as time or money. Take a minute to process that.
The inability to lay down the need to DO is what continues to drive the hustle. Let’s be clear: The hustle is WHY you need self-care. It’s causing the anxiety, overwhelm and burnout. So what happens is even when it comes to self care we force ourselves to continue to STAY ACTIVE. Needing to cram as much as we can into a small amount of time as possible. Which means even when we are spending time doing something that might be therapeutic, our mind is still racing because we never dropped the energy attached to it. Which means when we go back to making money and spending time in our biz, we’re focused solely on producing. Not thinking about the energy of our premium essence and our worth. Instead thinking about our worth being tied to productivity.
Listen, you can’t nurture and love yourself the way you need to if you’re in hustle and push mode. Care must come from a calm nurturing energy. But because it’s so hard for us to detox this grind energy, we only achieve this “blissful” loving state while doing the activity but then jump right back into productivity mode. This is the missing link between your current money and your 6-figure money. This is why it feels energetically hard when you have money conversations or worse when you avoid them altogether: your actions aren’t aligning with your desires. You want more money but if you aren’t willing to spend time with yourself for FREE how can you expect and ask others to pay for that?
What you spend time, energy, and attention on, are what your brain determines to be of importance, i.e. valuable. So when you spend those things WITH yourself, you rewire your brain’s perception of what is important to you. And especially if you put yourself ABOVE and BEFORE other things in your day, you’re reprogramming your brain to change what is of value in your world. What this means is that you become more valuable in your own eyes. And suddenly chasing money and hustling for pennies doesn’t work for you anymore. Having loose boundaries isn’t acceptable. Needing to prove your worth by over-giving and overworking isn’t necessary. You see your energy as premium, so it isn’t to be wasted on trivial things like doubting how you look today or questioning if you’re using the “right language” when marketing. You see your value as high-end so you choose not to engage in self-doubt and confusion when it comes to being authentic and sharing your truth when marketing. You know your worth – and you know it isn’t tied to the success of your biz or how much you accomplish or how much money you make. So you show up to sales calls with an open unattached energy ready to make a bold offer to help someone and available to receive riches that are your birthright. The more self care you engage in, the more you’re connected to your innate worth and value. And when you FEEL more worthy and KNOW your value, you bring that to the table, without needing to prove, hustle, or feel uncomfortable asking people to pay you or feel weird about receiving money and gifts.
My philosophy is that you are SACRED. Your entire BEING is, quite literally, GODDESS INCARNATE. But when you devalue time with your SELF you are devaluing everything about you. It is the very act of treating yourself with radical self love, premium compassion, and prioritizing spending time with yourself, that creates feelings of worthiness.
Self-care is more than just bare minimum care for what you need to survive; it’s about tapping into the most authentic version of you and discovering what she needs to THRIVE. When you have a million dollar business, how do you think you’ll view self-care? Are you going to put it off for when you have time, or put other things ahead of your needs? Most of us think that money will help us live a more peaceful, fulfilling, rewarding life because we’ll be able to spend money on things that make us happy. And while that might be *slightly* true, you can have all the money in the world and STILL not do those things. Because the money isn’t what creates those feelings. It’s your MINDSET. EMOTIONS. And ENERGETIC FREQUENCY.
I trust that the frequency with which these words were written have helped you shift and heal parts of yourself that needed to hear this. Now, it’s time for you to trust – trust yourself, trust your guides, trust the process, trust the frequency. Even trust the feeling of fear, for it tells you exactly where you need to go – toward the direction that you want to run from. That will always be your path to freedom. Sending you love on your journey.
Namaste and Magick,
Sarai Peotdi, The Witchy Coach
Sarai Peotdi Coaching
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