How to Get the Kids Involved in Extracurriculars
Brought to you by Sportfresh
Want to encourage your kids to get involved beyond school? Here’s how to get them excited and motivated to participate in extracurriculars.

Discover Your Child’s Interests or Talents
Is your child creative or very active? Do they like working or playing with others or prefer independent tasks? It’s important to have a discussion with your kids about what they’re interested in and let them try out different activities, especially at a young age. Whether it’s sports, art, music, or academics, there are plenty of opportunities to help bring out the talents of every kid. If they aren’t exactly sure what they are interested in, trying a little bit of everything is never a bad thing. They can discover what they like and don’t like – sometimes they need a push outside their comfort zone to figure it out.

Find Local & After School Programs
Whether you live in a quiet town or a bustling city, there are always local programs and activities to help your child get involved in their interests. Check out the after-school programs and sports teams that are offered at their school or within your community to give your child an opportunity to test out their interests. If your child is a bit timid, maybe bring them to the program before registering to get a sense of what it is like.

Connect With Other Parents & Kids
Once your child becomes involved in their activity, it’s important to connect with other parents within the program to help your child meet other kids that have the same interests. Making friends who have similar interests help kids feel more welcomed within that community and encourages them to stick with it. Connecting with other parents also helps you to feel more included as well. It’s always good to know other parents, for carpooling and other help.

Get the Gear
As soon as your child decides that they want to jump into their activity, you’ll want them to be prepared. Make sure that you get the proper gear or supplies that your child needs so they can flourish within their activity. Check-in with their teacher, instructor, or coach to make sure you know what they need. To avoid overspending, try buying second hand when possible or looking for good deals just in case your child decides it’s not for them.

Help Them Stay Involved
Getting your kids involved in their extracurriculars is just the beginning. It’s important to continue to encourage them to participate and stay involved. Motivating them and showing your support can be an influential component that helps your child stay inspired. Helping them attend practice, lessons, or classes and attending important events like games, showcases, and performances will mean a lot to them and shows you care about their passions.
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