Create a Healthier Mindset With 5 Important Action Steps
{ By Susan Vernicek }
These 5 tips will help you refresh and reignite your energy, mindset, and success.
I don’t know about you but my energy is like a popcorn kernel popping in a popcorn bag. I’m ready to pop and get my summer game on with spunk. I know things aren’t kind of back to “normal” and this mama is stepping out and bringing her full energy, identity, and quirkiness back to life.
Are you ready for summer, can you relate to this energy to bust out?
It’s time to get your summer game on with open arms and I invite you to implement these tips to help you embrace and appreciate the new season while supporting the health of your mindset. I’ll be the first to admit that my mindset and sanity could use a recharge—and I bet I’m not alone.
As a Mom of twin toddlers just finishing second grade, they are constantly learning about growth mindset. And of course, I love that subject as a mindset coach. Like many of you, I’ve been pivoting through all the changes in the school system and now with summer camps. We’ve been practically forced to have a growth mindset through the last few years, right? I’m not complaining because my family, me, and my business have grown exponentially with the hard work.
If you could use a reboot, then here are 5 tips that will help you refresh and reignite your energy, mindset, and success.
Get Outside:
The birds are chirping and this year I’m singing along with them. For me, I know the positive energy I gain from fresh air, but who doesn’t love a little science to back it up? According to many sites like Fepblue.org, fresh air has many benefits that include natural vitamin D, improved concentration, healing, and oxygen. When you’re exposed, oxygen increases, it causes the blood vessels in your lungs to dilate, which improves cleansing and tissue repair within them. I’m always up for cleansing, vitamin D, and moving my body. I challenge you to reignite your energy by getting outside for at least 10 minutes every chance you get.
Did you know that when you drink water it literally triggers the release of stored fat? Yea, did your jaw drop as mine did when I first read this? I know how important water is for our mindset, especially staying hydrated because when you’re dehydrated, you lose focus and clarity, and your productivity goes out the window. With this knowledge according to the Obesity journal read from the book, Eat Smarter, written by Shawn Stevenson, I have an even stronger reason to drink more water. Science claims that drinking water increases your metabolic rate through a process called thermogenesis. Now I’ll leave the rest of the research up to you, but they had me “release stored fat” and “increase your metabolic rate”. It’s a new season, and you need a water jolt, so go get your H2O game on!
Summer Mix:
I’m not talking about flowers here, I’m talking about creating your summer music playlist. I’m sure you can recall songs that make you feel alive or want to dance and songs that make you want to cry. There’s tons of research that share how music connects with the automatic nervous system (brain function, blood pressure, and heartbeat) and the limbic system (feelings and emotions). I have a playlist for almost every mood, experience, or memory I want to relive. So a great way to perk up and shift some old energy is to go through all the latest hits and browse through the music. I listen to the beats more than the words, but I always create a fresh mix of tunes to infuse more supportive energy. I challenge you to do the same!
Now take that new music and DANCE my friend. Set your mind and body free from your day-to-day routine. It doesn’t have to be a long dance party, 5 minutes can make all the difference. You can even dance in the shower. Truth be told, I’m not shy when it comes to dancing, but there’s something about dancing in the shower. It feels more freeing for me and my creative juices flow even more.
Clean Out Your Content:
This is one of my favorite tips and it’s just like decluttering and cleaning your house and closet. You’ve got to clean out the content you consume. Who are you hanging out with, what are you watching and reading? Who are you following on social media? Take inventory and be sure you’re set up for success with all the content you consume from day to day.
Now it’s your turn to experiment with 1 or all 5 ways to get you ignited into a successful summer season. I’d love to hear if you implement any of them or if you have any other tips to add, feel free to share below!

Susan Vernicek
WEBSITE: https://susanvernicek.com
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