Celebrating Yom Kippur and Diwali with Atonement and Forgiveness
{ By Miranda Martin }
Yom Kippur and Diwali are celebrated this October, focusing on stepping into one’s true light, forgiving one another (and ourselves) for past transgressions, and accepting life as it comes. At THIS IS IT NETWORKTM, we asked members of our SCREAM YOUR DREAM COMMUNITYTM a deeper question: “As a day of atonement and stepping into our own true light, respectively, what do you wish to forgive yourself for in order to become the best version of yourself?”
Here were their answers:
“I forgive myself for past grudges and past decisions made from my past insecure self.”
“Not being able to be successful yet. It WILL come.”
“Speaking unkindly to myself and my loved ones.”
“I’m letting go of past hurts.”
“Bad parenting decisions… I’m a work in progress and it’s better to show up for my kids as a real, imperfect Mom who is always trying to be better!”
“I wish to forgive myself for all the time I feel I wasted before finding clarity.”
“Forgiving myself for being hard on myself and not giving myself credit for how I have come.
not enough patience.”
“Not respecting my boundaries sooner when I knew I should have!”
“Forgiving myself for losing touch with the powerful pieces of myself.”
Life is about the journey– not the destination. Wishing you all a celebratory Yom Kippur and Happy Diwali, with many brighter days to come!