Self-Care Is Your Path to Creating $100K
{By Sarai Peotdi} You want to create a 6-figure business. To increase sales, streamline your processes so you can make more money in less time. But what does self-care have to do with making $100K? GREAT QUESTION. Listen, I get it. We’re
5 Reasons You Might Be Keeping Yourself from Achieving Your Dreams
{By: Sheriman Johnson} Over the years, as a chef, coach, and business owner, I've learned that no matter what kind of goal someone is trying to reach—lose weight, eat more plants, grow their business - there are mindset blocks that
What is a witch?
{By Sarai Peotdi} What is a witch? What is a witch you ask? Totally valid question. And it wasn’t too long ago I was asking the very same question. There’s 1001 ways to explain who a witch is and what she
3 Simple Tips to Rebalance The Mental Load In Your Home
{By Sarah Sperry} Have you suddenly found yourself in the “default parenting” role without even realizing how you got there? And by default parent, I mean are you the one who does the lions share of the day to day work
Happier Holidays with Home Management
{By Sara Kelly} Holidays have decorations, once a year recipes, guests and gatherings, and at the core of it all is my favorite thing….systems. Systems create comfort by reducing the guessing game and thereby creating ease. A common example of a
What is Dysmorphia? Experts share what this is and ways to treat it.
{By: Nadia Murdock} Have you ever looked in the mirror constantly obsessing over your appearance, and you can’t stop thinking about your flaws? These symptoms are signs of Body Dysmorphia Disorder, which are overwhelming thoughts about your appearance that eventually
Get into the Spirit of Red Lipstick this Holiday Season
{By Marcia Williams} I love this time of the year because its the best time to try out a lip shade that you would not normally wear. If you have been curious and open to trying something new then I'd say
Finding Gratitude in Change
{By Karem Zafra-Vera} These past couple of months have been significant in my life. I look back at how my year has evolved and the growth that I have embodied. The only word that comes to me is GRATITUDE. GRATITUDE for
What’s on Your Plate? How to Set Boundaries & Eliminate Your Endless To-Do List
{By: Gina Messina} What is on your plate? Is your plate small, organized, and calculates perfectly on my fitness pal? Is it overflowing and messy with lots of different metaphorical foods? Are they healthy and nourishing or junky and inflammatory?
Should I train my core during pregnancy?
{By Emma Bromley} First of all, let’s dissect the core because the core is made up of four key elements. Think of the pelvic floor as the foundation of your core and being on the bottom. Then you’ve got your