Choosing Between Paycheck and Passion
By: Gina Messina Whether you are looking for a new job, considering ways to advance in your current position, or are thinking about pivoting, paycheck and passion are likely top of mind. The two “Ps” can seem to be at odds
How to Align Your Life with Your Purpose
By: Gina Messina Aligning your life with your purpose leads to fulfillment at work and home because you are able to recognize the ways your actions connect to what you value. What’s Your Purpose? Having specific goals that guide the way you
Should I train my core during pregnancy?
By: Emma Bromley First of all, let’s dissect the core because the core is made up of four key elements. Think of the pelvic floor as the foundation of your core and being on the bottom. Then you’ve got your
5 Tips for Practicing Self-Compassion
By: Gina Messina Have you ever beat yourself up or said unkind words to yourself? If you’re like most of us, your answer is probably “yes.” Especially as women, we tend to be our own worst critics, and we usually
Why I don’t teach kegels on their own any more?
By: Emma Bromley I used to teach kegels as a stand alone exercise, but in my lifelong ‘research paper’ on the pelvic floor, I have learnt that the pelvic floor was never designed to function/move on its own. It was
5 Tips for Breaking Up with the Imposter Monster
By: Gina Messina Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? You know, that partner you knew you should break up with, the one all your friends told you to ditch, but somehow you kept getting pulled back in? Yep, that’s
Why is Pelvic Floor strength so important?
By: Emma Bromley Think of the pelvic floor as a hammock that holds all of your internal organs in place. In women it also supports the uterus and it’s made up of ligaments, connective tissue and muscle that attaches to
The Pelvic Floor: Everything You Needed To Know Sooner
By: Emma Bromley I was recently given the incredible opportunity and great privilege to collaborate with doctors, physical therapists and birth professionals in the kind of book that should be handed out in high schools and gynecologists offices. This book
Why the Postpartum Protocol?
By: Emma Bromley I initially set out to create this 12 week program for myself. Because at 2 years postpartum I still looked 4 months pregnant, i had a very severe 4 finger diastasis (ab separation), I couldn’t pick up
4 Self-Care Practices to Disconnect from Work
{By: Gina Messina} It can sometimes feel impossible to “shut off” and “leave work at work” so you can be fully present for the rest of your life. New technology means that we’re never really unreachable. And with more and