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LISTEN NOW: Christina Jones

Congratulations Christina Jones on your debut single!

LISTEN NOW • NEW SINGLE : https://tinyurl.com/7af8m398

This is the first track to drop from her upcoming album, a collaboration with songwriter Kimiko Ishizaka, Pianist about the despair, pain, love, hope, and finally strength that one experiences when love is lost.

Please take a moment and listen to this beautiful song. Make sure you join her for her single release on Sunday, March 28th at 2pm EST. She will be joined by Julius LaFlamme  Make sure to click “GOING” to get a reminder.

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/christinajonesmusic/posts/212324307337750
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_c2DvBGPlQ

CHRISTINA JONES: @christinajonesmusic

Kimiko Ishizaka: @kimikoishizaka

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