When is the Best Time to Take Parenting Classes?
{By: Cara Tyrrell} Congratulations! Motherhood is on your agenda.
You know being a mom is the most important and impactful job you’ll ever do in your life. You also know there’s no onboarding process, professional development programs, or one-size-fits-all-families user manual.
No problem because you are a savvy mama, ready to take all the best parenting classes so that you’re ready to tackle all your baby’s phases and stages.
You do your research and search for the best online parenting classes because you know you’re raising a human being and are determined to raise a great one.
But when should you take them? While trying to conceive? While pregnant or postpartum? When you’re struggling through the 4-month sleep regression?
The short answer is now! Wherever you are in your journey to motherhood, start now. Why?
Because you’re seeking knowledge. And knowledge is empowering. And when you feel empowered, you’ll be a calm, confident mama rocking every age and stage of your baby’s development.
Confidence comes from knowing why we’re doing something while also knowing the result will happen, even if you don’t know when. You’ll confidently talk to your baby all day, every day from the moment they are born knowing they will talk back someday, even though you know when that will be.
And that’s why the best time to take parenting classes is before you need those skills.
- You want to learn about safe sleep for newborns?
- You want to learn about best start tips for breastfeeding?
- You want to learn about how to use baby sign language with your newborn?
The best time to take these online parenting courses is while you’re still pregnant! Soak it all in while you’ve still got the mental bandwidth.
Ever heard this old saying? It’s much easier to take care of your baby while they are inside you than when they come out. It’s true!
Yes, growing a little human for 40 weeks takes energy. But you’re still only caring for one body. You take care of your body and your body cares for your baby. Meanwhile, your mind is wide open for learning vital information you’ll need when they’ve made their arrival and your body is in recovery and sleep-deprived.
Here are three steps to help you decide which online parenting programs to take while you’re pregnant.
Step 1: Ask yourself this question. What am I most worried about? Visualize your baby here in your arms and ask yourself what am I most worried about? What can I learn now so that I feel confident and supported when dealing with this in the future? Make a shortlist. Write them down.
Step 2: Ask yourself Who do I want to take these classes from? Who do I trust to educate and empower me to be an active, conscious parent? Your Aunt Liza? The hospital staff where you’ll deliver? A parent educator with training in Early Childhood Education? It matters that you know who you are looking for.
Step 3: Find and lean into your trusted parenting community! Where are my like-minded mamas who can offer support and advice when I am feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted even though I’m doing my best to be a conscious mom? Because even with all the best strategies and even when you feel like you know what to do you’ll still have hard days and need your conscious mama bff’s to lean on.
For example:
Step 1: I’m worried about lack of sleep and intense sleep deprivation as a newborn mom. I know I don’t want to let my baby cry it out but I do want to sleep train eventually.
Step 2: I’d trust an expert to teach me how to create a plan to help my baby sleep through the night when their body is ready.
Step 3: And I’d love to be in a community where other mamas have used the sleep soothing system and can support me when I’m taking the course and implementing it. Whatever you’re looking to learn, we’d love to be your Virtual Village where all these resources are in one place! Join us in our safe, private parenting community to connect, take on-demand courses, access personalized support, and attend parenting expert events while you lean on and learn from your tribe!