Meet Jaclyn DiGregorio, Founder of Clarity and Action Consulting
About Jaclyn
Jacyln DiGregorio is a young entrepreneur and the founder of Clarity and Action Consulting. Jaclyn started her first business at 21 years old from her dorm room at Georgetown University. After overcoming personal struggles with an eating disorder, she created a business that focused on helping young women with health and wellness. After two years of running the company, she realized a lot of female business struggle to hit their goals and give up on their pursuits, this is when she started Clarity and Action Consulting.

About Clarity and Action Consulting
At Clarity and Action Consulting, Jaclyn helps female entrepreneurs find clarity on their biggest vision and take action to make it a reality. Jaclyn takes her determination and what she learned from her own business failures to speed up the business timeline to success for other women so they can have the income and impact they desire and deserve. She teaches both strategy and mindset, her combination for success, to any female entrepreneur searching for the next steps to grow their business. Jaclyn is incredibly passionate about encouraging women to dream bigger and never dim their light because of fears of failure. Jaclyn looks forward to continuing to grow her own business in 2020 and work with more entrepreneurs to help them get clear.
To learn more about Jaclyn DiGregorio visit https://www.jaclyndigregorio.com or to work with Jaclyn visit https://www.clarityandactionconsulting.com. Watch Jaclyn on This is it TV below.