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How To Host Guests In Style

Hosting guests can be something people turn into an art – they know just how to make people feel relaxed and at ease, totally welcome, and maybe they’ll know what it takes to impress their guests as well. And if you’re worried you don’t have what it takes to be a great host because you don’t even know where to start, let alone how to make it all so effortless, don’t worry – you’re actually in the majority. The good news is, it can all be learned, and it doesn’t take much to host guests in style. With that in mind, keep reading to find out more. 

Photo by Kyle Roxas

Create A Warm Welcome

First impressions are what really matter if you want to show off your home at its best and make people feel welcome – when your guests walk in, they should feel as though they’ve stepped into somewhere comfortable and relaxed, and nothing should stress them out or put them on edge (and the same goes for you). And to get to that point, it’s all about making sure you’ve tidied up before they get there (which will make you feel better anyway) and then adding a few inviting touches like flowers, scented candles, and soft lighting. 

And if they’re staying overnight, why not go the extra mile? Think about how you could turn your guest room into something people would find in a hotel with a neatly made bed, fluffy towel already laid out, and perhaps even a little gift like chocolate too. It’s those little things that make people feel special and are well worth doing. 

Set The Stage

Your home doesn’t need to look like a showroom, but it should look special, and if you’re going to host a lot of events, you might be best off investing in one or two statement pieces that can really improve the look of a room. A white marble coffee table, for example, adds an instant touch of sophistication while also being functional – you can use it to display a few carefully chosen books, some snacks (perhaps on a fancy tray), or some flowers and greenery – it’s going to catch the eye whatever you do.

Comfort is important as well, so layer up your seating area with soft throws and plenty of cushions so your guests can really relax – and if you can make sure it matches your personality, you’re definitely on the right track. After all, there’s no point in making your home right for guests if you don’t like how it looks and feels because once they’ve gone home, you’ll still have to live there. 

Get The Food And Drink Right

You don’t need to cook a five course meal and serve the right wine at each step if you don’t want to or don’t have the skills to do it (although if you do want to and do have the skills, go ahead and have fun!), but you do need to provide food and drink, so think about this ahead of time. 

All you’ll need are a few simple but delicious snacks and drinks and let your guests know what to expect – you don’t want them to think they’re getting a full meal when they’re not and vice versa!