Coronavirus: Glasses or Contacts?
Written by Dr. Sue Miller – https://www.brighteyes2020.com
Our eyes may play an important role in the spread and prevention of the new coronavirus outbreak seen throughout the world, eye doctors and health experts say.
To cut your personal risk of contracting the new coronavirus, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. It is the mucous membranes (membranes that line various cavities in the body) that are most susceptible to transmission of the virus.
You might have even heard that you should switch from wearing contact lenses and wear your eyeglasses during the COVID-19 pandemic, but should you? Here are some things to consider:
- Wearing glasses may add a layer of protection against the transmission of the COVID-19
- Contact lens wearers touch their yes more than the typical person and touching you eyes, nose or face increases your risk of contracting the coronavirus.
- However there is no scientific evidence that wearing glasses provide protection against COVID-19 or other viral transmission.
You certainly should consider switching to glasses if your lenses causes you irritation and then you touch your eyes. Wearing glasses to some degree might shield your eyes from respiratory droplets produced by coughing or sneezing the might contain the virus. (Actually safely goggles are better suited for this.)

We do know that contact lenses are a safe and effective form of visual correction for many people world wide as long as you wear and care fro them as prescribed by your doctor. You probably should not wear your lenses if you are sick. This also applies for the common cold. Make certain you wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and then dry them with a lint-free towel prior to handling your contacts; either inserting them or removing them. The alcohol that is found in hand sanitizer may burn your eyes and should not be used. Disinfect your contact lenses properly or dispose of your lenses each evening if you are wearing One Day Replacement lenses. Remember do NOT use saline solution and rewetting drops to disinfect your contacts if your have monthly or two-week lenses. Neither one is an effective or approved disinfectant.
If you decide to wear your glasses, you should also take extra precautions. The new Coronavirus can remain on hard surfaces for hours to days and then can transfer from your hands to your face to you glasses. Therefore, glasses should be cleaned regularly with soap and water just like your hands. People who remove their glasses frequently are more prone to contamination transfer.
Lastly with all of us home and on the computer or digital devices your eyes may be suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) or Dry eyes.
If you have any questions about your eyes and the Coronavirus, CVS or Dry Eyes give us a call. Bright Eyes Vision 267-485-1414. https://www.brighteyes2020.com