Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Frittata
{ By Dr. Janice Asher }
Here’s a recipe for a lunch or dinner that also works well as a breakfast the next day. It’s fun to make with kids, too. They can help choose, prep, and stir the ingredients – and, of course, all kids love to break and whisk eggs! Except for the eggs and milk, the ingredients are all mere suggestions, so you and your family can let your creativity run wild.
- 8 large eggs, beaten or whisked until just combined
- ½ cup milk
Other Suggested Ingredients, In Any Combination You Like
- Diced onions, which you’ve sautéed in a little extra virgin olive oil (save yourself work and do that in the pan before you use it for the egg mixture. Include any fresh or dried herbs that you like).
- Chopped or sliced mushrooms, cooked as above
- Chopped spinach or bell peppers, cooked or not
- Cooked asparagus, broccoli, or zucchini
- Chopped up tomatoes or avocado
- pieces of cooked meat, fowl, or vegetarian sausage
- Grated cheese
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Mix the eggs and milk together. Pour into an ovenproof 10” pan.
- Put the toppings over the egg mixture, and cook on the stovetop on medium heat for five minutes.
- Place the pan in the oven, and bake until the frittata stops wiggling, 15-18 minutes.
- Slice up the frittata and eat warm, room temperature, or cold.
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