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Why Do I Need Sunscreen in the Winter?

{ By Linda McElvenny }

Why Do I Need Sunscreen in the Winter?

Common questions I often get center around sunscreen. Why do I need to wear sunscreen everyday? Do I need sunscreen if it is cloudy? Do I need sunscreen indoors? Why do I need sunscreen in the winter? Wearing sunscreen is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your skin’s appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging. 

Understanding UV Rays

There are two types of UV (ultraviolet) rays. UVA rays are generally linked to the aging of skin cells and tend to be the cause of wrinkles, sunspots and other signs of sun damage. UVB rays are stronger and can directly damage the DNA in skin cells. UVB rays are also the principal cause of sunburns and are linked to most skin cancers.

Do I need sunscreen if it is cloudy?

Yes because UV radiation penetrates the clouds.  Even when it is overcast, up to 80% of the sun’s rays are still being absorbed by your skin. And the presence of snow can nearly double the amount of ultraviolet radiation that attacks your skin. This means, every single day of the year, no matter what the weather is like, if you are outside for even 10 minutes, you need to be applying SPF.

Do I need sunscreen if I am indoors all day?

One reason you need sunscreen even if you are indoors all day is that glass does not block all UV rays. The glass in your home (or car) will block most UVB rays but does not offer protection against UVA rays. Need proof? Look carefully at your skin and you will see that the sun damage is significantly worse on the left side of the face and left arm than it is on the right side. That is because the UV rays are coming through the car window when you are driving! The same thing is happening through the windows in your house.

How to sneak SPF into your skincare routine

To prevent sunburn, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and decrease the likelihood of early skin aging, it is important to find SPF suitable for daily wear. The easiest way to do this is to use a daily moisturizer that includes SPF. Better yet, use a tinted moisturizer with SPF to eliminate steps in your morning routine.


The 4 most important reasons to wear sunscreen daily are: 

  • It Protects Your Skin from UV Rays
  • It Lowers Your Skin Cancer Risk
  • It Prevents Premature Aging of the Skin
  • It Helps Maintain an Even Skin Tone

If you need a good daytime moisturizer, check out EVER’s Daylight Daytime Moisturizer with SPF 32 or Canvas Broad Spectrum Sunscreen with SPF 30 which is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation. Our mineral based sunscreens do not contain ingredients that are harmful to your skin. Plus they come in clear and 6 tints to help even skin tone! To be safe, apply sunscreen on a daily basis, whether you plan to be outdoors or not. Your skin will thank you!

Please check out my website or reach out if I can help.

Linda McElvenny

Stella & Dot Brand Ambassador
