Tough Interview Questions, Answered
{ By Emily O’Connell – Editorial Coordinator }
We’ve all been here before – your interview is off to a great start. The small talk is flowing, your resume is perfect and the hiring manager is clearly impressed. It feels like a genuine conversation rather than a formal interview. This is a great sign, but be careful – you could be offering up unnecessary information that could hurt your chances of landing a job.
Many interview questions are to be expected though and if you study these top questions and helpful answers ahead of time you will be able to answer smoothly and confidently!
What are your weaknesses?
This is a question that I have gotten so many times. Handle it by minimizing your weaknesses and concentrate on professional traits: “I am always working on improving my communication skills to be an effective presenter.”
Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job?
Number one: do not ever badmouth a former employer, so if you’re unemployed, try to state your reason for leaving positively: “I’ve managed to survive two rounds of Covid-19 layoffs, but the third round was a reduction in the workforce, including me and my team.”
If you’re employed, focus more on what you want from your next employer: “after two years, I decided to look for a company that is task-oriented, where I can contribute individually for success.”
What was your previous compensation?
It is to your advantage if the employer tells you the range first, but you should still prepare by knowing the going rate in your area and your bottom-line point. Try to steer away from this by politely and firmly stating why you deserve your new salary, based on skills, experience, and salary trends.
The job search can be intimidating but reviewing questions and answers in advance is one way to stay prepared and boosts your chances of success!
Are you interviewing? Landed the job? Let us know!