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Revamp Your Kitchen For A Healthy Well-Being

By: Nadia Murdock 

You can’t expect to see results in your wellness journey if your kitchen is not where it needs to be. The saying 80% diet 20% exercise is a great formula to abide by. There are several things to consider when taking inventory of your kitchen from budget to health concerns and goals. 

Below are list of things you may want to consider as you revemp your kitchen. 


Before you overhaul your kitchen envision the changes you want to make to make it functional for you.  The idea of reorganizing your entire kitchen can be daunting, start small and weave in changes gradually.  Lyssa Weiss, Author of the The Skinny Jeans Diet says: “Keep food off your kitchen counter and island.  We tend to eat with our eyes and not our stomach so keeping trigger foods out of sight is the first step to success.”  Exercise portion control ahead of time to avoid overeating. Weiss also suggests: “Breaking down largely packaged foods into individual ziplocks, it helps to make you more aware of what you are consuming.” In addition adding fun elements like a dry erase board for meal planning and mason jars for food storage is a great idea.

Store Food Properly for Longer Shelf Life

It’s a good idea to always store recommended foods in a cool place.  If not stored properly this can speed up the expiration of items such as supplements, nuts and fruit. Decide what needs to be refrigerated and what can survive on the countertop. Make sure you select a cool place in your kitchen, keeping selected items in a breathable basket and avoid stacking them on top of one another. 

Consider Other Household Members 

If you are focusing on a strict meal plan finding ways to make your kitchen functional for other members in the home should be considered as well. After getting rid of processed snacks like cookies and crackers think of delicious replacements that will keep you and others satisfied. Having a supply of baking items will encourage you to make traditional favorites from scratch with clean ingredients like almond flour or coconut oil.  Pashko says: Swap out white sugar or artificial sweeteners with stevia or monk fruit sweetener.” Another way to cut down on sugar is using fresh fruit like bananas. “This is a great option without depriving your taste buds of their favorite flavor element, turn to ripe bananas. Bananas are naturally sweet, and one small banana has just 90 calories.” suggests Liz Weiss.

Make Your Drinking Water Visible

Whether you have a water cooler or you are drinking from a pitcher, having water visible and in plain sight is vital for daily water intake. Try creating a pitcher of water with lemon slices each morning so it’s the first thing you see when you open the fridge. Tricks like freezing lemon slices or creating ice cubes with mint and ginger are some additional ways get you drinking more water regularly. 

Determine What Your Goals Are

Most noteworthy is by examining what your ultimate wellness goals are you will be able to hone in on what you should and should not be eating. For example for weight loss, having a well stocked pantry with items like beans helps the waistline! Liz Weiss says: “Beans are an inexpensive, convenient (especially when they’re canned!), and easy way to add more fiber and protein to your diet, and they deliver instant interest to any meal of the day. Research shows that eating beans and other pulses like legumes helps people feel fuller for longer, which results in consuming less food throughout the day. If you’re concerned about the sodium in canned beans, opt for salt-free canned beans or drain and rinse them, which washes away 40% of the sodium.”

About Nadia Murdock:

Mindset and Movement Coach and founder of Nadia Murdock Fit.

As the Founder of Nadia Murdock Fit, she is credentialed as a Mindset & Movement Coach, B.A. Psychology and Certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Nadia is also a Certified Fitness Instructor, coach, content creator, writer and public speaker. Her mission and purpose are to motivate others to adopt a self-positive mindset leading to healthier choices and body confidence. 

To connect with Nadia you can find her on IG @nadiamurdock Twitter @NadiaMurdockFit TikTok @Nadiamfit