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Finding Gratitude in Change

{By Karem Zafra-Vera}

These past couple of months have been significant in my life. I look back at how my year has evolved and the growth that I have embodied. The only word that comes to me is GRATITUDE. GRATITUDE for the people that have been in my circle and have been part of this beautiful journey with me. GRATITUDE for the opportunities that have unfolded in my life.

GRATITUDE for the awareness I have obtained to see, live and walk through the experiences that have tested my faith and that I still walked through and saw the sunrise.

I met this new version of myself that allowed me to see and feel at a completely different level that I didn’t even know I can feel. It’s not always fun, easy or beautiful. Sometimes, it requires tears, break downs, disappointments, pain and fear. Sometimes you may think you can’t face more but it’s in those moments that the inner, strong and brave soul of yours steps up. We are immediately introduced to this other side of ourselves when we step in FAITH.

I have come to realize that “SHE” has always been there. I just never really called her within me. Because we all like comfort, we like to predict our outcomes and feel safe. We give ourselves so many reasons to those habits and beliefs that keep us exactly doing the same things and creating the same results.

So I ask you… what change did you make this year ? Have you created different results ? Have you experienced new journeys ? Are you doing one thing that you chose to do or are you on autopilot doing what life gives you ? The universe will always deliver to you whatever you ask, and your ask most of the time is communicated unconsciously. It’s the emotion you live in most of the time. That’s why you continue to face the same circumstance and continue to have the same results. Not the results you want if you were consciously asking.

There is so much beauty and abundance In this life. I have experienced so much of it this year. My eyes are wider than before, my heart is more expansive than before , my risks are riskier than before. I love that I’m not alone in this life. That I have an infinite intelligence within me guiding me. I love my deeper connection to God, Universe, Spirit all one for me.

The year is not over. Your life is not over. Everyday that you wake up is another opportunity to create a different experience. The one that is calling you, the one that you feel the yearning for. Don’t silence what is seeking your attention. Life is too precious not to live your truth.

What is that for you? I promise that you can only find this truth through study. It’s through application and implementation that you will build the Faith and Belief. It begins with one decision. That is to say YES to yourself.

Life has a beautiful way of painting the path when you commit. When you make the decision,

What are you ready to do differently today ?

I will be having four (4) free master classes called Ignite Your Vision 2023 Master Class between this week through December. 

December 7th &8th 

December 14th & 15th

Website: https://www.mindfulwithkarem.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/karemzafravera/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/karem.zafravera